Hey There,
Are you looking for a speaker for your next event, or would love to have an author come for a school visit, either in person or virtual?
I'd love to share my heart and my stories with you and your ministry.
Check out the Speaking topics and Book list below and send me an email to schedule a time.
Speaking Topics
For Women
How God used Depression to Train my Heart and Faith
Arguing with God: How a difficult season in life took my faith to the edge and back again
For Parents
Parenting the Out of the Box Kid: Managing my heart with a special needs child
Battle of the Screens: How to Set Healthy Boundaries with Screens
Five Key Things our Kids need to know About God
Reading is about Relationships not just Words: How to encourage young readers to read
For Educators
How an Idea becomes a Book: a talk about how books are made as well as encouraging kid to work hard to reach their dreams.
Book: What to do with an Idea by Kobe Yamada, Beneath the Hood by Valerie Fentress​
Book Publishing in like an Role Playing Game (RPG)​
Encouraging Creativity: a talk about how we are all creative even if we don't like art and celebrating differences in how we use our creativity.
Books: The Book of Mistakes by Corinna Luyken​
So, you don't like to read: a talk about exploration and adventure for the reluctant reader​
The Book with No Pictures by BJ Novack​
Reclaim the Easter Bunny: a talk on how the Easter bunny can point to Jesus​
Books: An Easter Bunny's Tale by Valerie Fentress​