Celebrating 3 years of Blogging!
Three Years, two books, 156 blog posts, and way too many social media posts. So what's next for this blog?
Valerie Fentress
Celebrating 3 years of Blogging!
How do you prep for the New Year
How Floss Tested my Faith
What do Wolves and Whales got to do with God's Sovereignty?
How my Dyslexic son changed my definition of reading
Seeds of Truth
2022 Goals and Redirection
The Debate: Books vs. Movies
My Kids Favorite Movies
Movies that Moved Me
It's a Blog-Versary!
Why Retell an Old Story?
A Case for Maturity
Road Trippin'
Benefits of Rollercoasters
Gardening of My Soul
Test to Testimony
Goals and Plans
Three Steps to Eat an Elephant
2020 In Review