Welcome to our final book review before we make a jump to the BookWorthy Podcast.
I am thrilled to share this sweet author and book with you and your families.
Have you met Dawn Stephen's Little Pot Series? She is both the author and the illustrator of these charming little books.
This Little Pot is doing big things. Dawn has taken the heart of Jeremiah 18:6 to help communicate purpose, identity, and hope to young kids. With plenty of amazing resources for parents and teachers.
Her latest in the series is Burn Our Fit In
In this story, an Oil Lamp made by the Potter is placed on a pedestal all by itself. He knows he has an important job to give light to all the other pots in the Potter's workshop. But over time the Oil Lamp gets lonely.
Down on the floor of the workshop is a broken and forgotten vessel, but when the Potter finds him, he knows the perfect job for this 'broken' piece of pottery. Together Oil Lamp and the Broken Pot discover how to overcome burnout and know they are made with a purpose and a place to fit in.
Burnout can happen to anyone, including children. Likewise, they can face depression when they do not feel like they fit in or belong. Finding their place in this big world can be a struggle for them. So, how can you help kids overcome burnout and know they fit in? You introduce them to this beautiful allegory of the potter and his vessels.
This book is both simple and and sweet for young children as well as deep and meaningful for older children too. It is another wonderful addition to the Little Pot Series.

Check out my interview with Dawn Stephens on Instagram pon Wednesday September 27th at 12PM CDT. or over on Youtube any time after that.

Dawn Stephens is a mom, former teacher, and an artist. She has worked in many different careers trying to discover herself. Each time God filled her with a new assignment, she believed she had found it. However, He continually took away the very thing that gave her purpose. Her experiences taught her that what matters in life is not the things that she holds, but the things that can grow through her. Find out more about her and her books at her website Learn a lot with The Little Pot! (dawnstephensbooks.com)