Welcome to another Again and Again Book Review!
This month we're taking a look at Dr. Sonia E. Amin's award-winning children's book Bax and his Bubbles: All about a kid and his thoughts.
Back Cover Description:
Thoughts can be difficult to navigate at any age. So, what happens when children have thoughts filled with negative self-talk, anxiety, fear, or anger?
Offering loving guidance to children as they sort through their thoughts empowers them to choose well in what they say and do.
“Sometimes Bax has happy thoughts”
“And sometimes Bax has sad thoughts.”
“Some of his thoughts are filled with surprise and excitement.”
“While some of his thoughts are angry or mean.”
“But with so many thoughts, how does Bax know which bubbles to keep and which ones to let go?”
“Bax takes time to think.”
Bax and His Bubbles introduces children to a simple method for choosing which thoughts to keep and which to release.
This valuable resource for educators and families based on Philippians 4:8 uses Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) to help children foster healthy thinking habits.
From Valerie:
This is such a sweet book!
I have three boys that completely related to Bax and the situations he faces within the book.
Sonia does a great job of communicating that both good and bad thoughts happen, but just because we think it doesn't mean we have to act on them.
Not overly spiritual but gives practical steps for our kids to process and work through the thoughts they experience on a daily basis.
The visualization of Bax's thoughts as bubbles is such a great way of communicating thought processes to kids.
There have been more and more books about positive thinking and emotional understanding for kids, which is wonderful given mental health starts with our thought life. But knowing which ones truly help teach in a way kids can really understand can be daunting. Bax and his Bubbles is a great tool for all parents as they equip their kids for the mental battles of life.
Happy Reading!

She is passionate about helping others live healthy lives and believe being healthy is not just about physical well-being. Nurturing our physical, mental, and spiritual health is vital. Taking a holistic approach to health allows us to live our lives with greater potential. Even as adults we may struggle to make healthy choices in each of these areas. For this reason, guiding our children while they are young is vital in helping them create healthy habits now. Since becoming a mother, it has been Sonia's dream to write a children’s book. Seeing the impact books have made on her children, combined with the benefits of choosing to be intentional with her own thought patterns, inspired me to write Bax and His Bubbles.