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BookWorthy Chats with Jean Johnson

Writer's picture: ValerieValerie

BookWorthy S3E9 Cover
Rynnie Roo's Adventures Cover


Valerie -Welcome to the Bookworthy Podcast, where we talk about Kidlet that's good for your kids' hearts and souls. Kidlet ranges from birth to teens, so we have a lot of shelf space to cover. Today, we're talking with Jean Johnson about her four-book series, Rennie Roo's Adventures. Rennie Roo is an imaginative kangaroo who likes to explore new places and make new friends. I'm excited to share these books and Jean with you. Welcome to Bookworthy, Jean.


Jean - I'm so excited to be here. Thank you so much for the invitation.


Valerie -I am so happy to have you. Well, to start us off, Jean, since your main character is a kangaroo, have you ever had a pet kangaroo or pet, like, I don't know, scratch the ears of a kangaroo, catch the kangaroo? I don't know.

Petting a Kangaroo

 Jean -I have not. I sure love them. I like watching videos about them or like National Geographic's, but I've never actually ever touched a kangaroo.


Valerie -Ah, well what made you choose a kangaroo as your main character?


Jean -So I became a grandmother and because I became a grandmother my daughter my granddaughter has red hair and so she was the whole inspiration yes she was the inspiration for the whole kangaroo so she's the namesake she is the whole inspiration behind it so Rene Ruth the kangaroo is I was inspired by my granddaughter.


Valerie -So fun. I bet she just eats that up and loves every minute of it, doesn't she?


Jean -She doesn't quite get it just yet, she's only two, so she doesn't quite get it just yet, but I think she will. She does enjoy all of the little reading times. She loves that.


Valerie -Well Jean, do you have any pets?


Jean- I do, I do actually. I have a cat that'll be roaming around, I'm sure, before too long. And I have a dog. So I have a Shih Tzu dog and I have a Nebula.


Valerie -Now have you had any exotic pets in your lifetime?


Jean -I have. I have. So growing up in the Yucatan jungle, my dad was really big into animals and wanted us to have a whole experience with animals and so sure enough we did. He made sure that we had, like in the village, a mother jaguar had passed and so she had left behind


two little jaguars and the villagers didn't know what to do with the babies. And so my dad said, well, we'll take them and we'll raise them. And so we got to raise baby jaguars. Um, we had pumas and yes, ocelots. Uh, we had, um, some kudamundis. We had some toucans, owls, uh, coyotes, horses. We've had just all of them.


Valerie -Oh wow. I would say the answer to that exotic question is yes. That is a whole host of fun experiences, no doubt.


Jean -Yes. Oh, yes, yes. Yes, so me and my siblings, we'd pass pictures of all of the animals and stuff that we had growing up. I also had an anteater and we'll, you know, occasionally shoot those to each other just to have a, like a memory, walk down memory lane. Cause I mean, as I get older, you know, when I was a kid, I really didn't understand that not everybody had those experiences. And as I've gotten, you know, as I got older, I've been realizing, oh wow, this was something special.


Valerie -An anteater. Was it one of the giant ones or a smaller one? Or if you remember. Okay. I was like, I can't imagine seeing this giant one.


Jean -It was a smaller one. Yeah. It was a smaller one. It would hang on my shoulders and it was really sweet. Just really, sweet.


Valerie-Aww. What an interesting childhood. Now you were a missionary down in the


Yucatan, right?


Jean -Yes, yes. Yeah, we were there until I turned 12 and then we moved back to the United States.


Valerie - Now how did your experiences down there in the jungle and obviously with all those exotic pets influence your children's books?


Jean -Um, quite a bit. I would say that is the main focal point that kind of brought me to, uh, to want to bring these books to life. Um, when my granddaughter was born, it reminded me of how I was raised and how different that is from how she's going to be raised, she's going to be raised on a farm, but I was raised in the jungle. And, um, when I was little, I couldn't communicate, because I only spoke English and in the, you know, in Mexico, they speak Spanish and then in the villages, they speak Mayan Indian. And so there was a huge language barrier. And so that's why in my books, I make them, or I try at least to make them educational for children so that they can be more articulate whenever they are trying to learn new creatures, new animals, new locations, new things. Because I know when I was a kid, it was such a huge thing to learn Spanish and I ended up learning Mayan and Spanish and I spoke all three languages until I was about maybe 10 or 11, and then the Mayan kind of faded out because it is a more complex language. And so now I don't even remember hardly any of it, just a few phrases, maybe a couple of words here and there, but that is how the books kind of came about was because I started thinking about, you know, my granddaughter and the differences between mine and her life experiences. And I thought, man, you know, I want to share the whole, you know, the United States plus some different locations with children to bring them some information that they may find fun and entertaining and educational all at the same time.


Valerie -I think you've done an amazing job with these books of just really engaging with the reader. Rene Rue breaks that fourth wall and talks to the reader a little bit. You can see your heart behind it because there is just this engaging curiosity, having fun, very kid-like, welcoming environment that your books create. Now in the four books you have, you visit Dinosaur Valley, Kansas, Arkansas, and the Yucatan. Now, I'm slightly partial to Dinosaur Valley because that's not just two hours away from me and we have spent many days camping there. So why did you start with Dinosaur Valley State Park?


Jean -I did start with Dinosaur Valley State Park, number one because I am originally from Texas. So I was born in Texas. I am a Texas girl through and through. And of course, my granddaughter lives in Texas. And so I had to start with a Texas book.


Texas Flag

Valerie -A good choice, I might add. I'm slightly partial. Well, then you kind of have a dinosaur theme through multiple books, correct? So why, what is so interesting about dinosaurs for you?


Jean -When I was maybe in middle school is when I got the whole archaeological bug and thought, oh, when I grow up, this is what I want to do. I want to be an archaeologist. This is, you know, something that interests me. And, you know, as I became an adult and got married and had kids, all of that kind of went into the background. But I never forgot that, that whole just excitement and love for I mean, I just find them so interesting and what I find most amazing about dinosaurs is that they really cannot pinpoint the time. They'll say, oh, they were this far away or this far away or it's been this. But then you'll find another scientist that says something different. And so to me, the whole fact that they were here is amazing. I just think that it's amazing. I think that God is just phenomenal in the fact that we had dinosaurs. Some dinosaurs walked the earth. How amazing is that? I mean, a God that can create something so spectacular. I mean, we've got Steven Spielberg getting, you know, awards for this stuff. And we're not giving God enough credit. I mean, these creatures were fantastic. You know, they were so big and they did some really amazing things. And so for me, of course, my books had to include dinosaurs.


Valerie - I do love that mystery of dinosaurs. I think that's why kids fall in love with them, is there's so much information, but so much lack of information about dinosaurs too. Sure, we have all these footprints like in Dinosaur Valley State Park, and we have these fossils, but like you said, no one really knows where they fall in the timeline or where they went.


Jean -Yes, exactly. It's just it it's one of those things, you know, is just a mystery and you just think or I think when I get to heaven that's gonna be one of my number one questions. Lord, please


Valerie -I need the video on dinosaurs, please. Too fun. Kind of a random question. What's your favorite dinosaur?



Jean -So my favorite dinosaur is going to be the T-Rex. I just, I like it. I just do, it's big. It's got tiny little arms like I do. And I just, I can relate to a T-Rex.


Valerie -That's an interesting reason. But you can't go wrong with the king of dinosaurs, right?


Jean -Yes, yes, yes. Love the... And I mean, I like the Brontosaurus too. They ended up changing its name, but I still call it Brontosaurus because that's what it was called when I was a kid. But my favorite overall is just the T-Rex. I think that it's just, you know, just a really, really cool dinosaur.


Valerie - And it's interesting how those names change and how Pluto is not a planet anymore. And science is always changing.



Jean -And that's one of the reasons why I find, again, this the whole timeline of the dinosaurs. I know that they were a long time ago, but as far as the timeline goes, we really can't. I mean, because like you said, if Pluto is one year, it's a planet, and then the next year it's not. We're like, what's happening here? It can change and fluctuate. And that's the whole, you know, interesting part about dinosaurs and science and all of it together.


Valerie -Very neat. Well, you have an engaging interaction with Rennie and all these different places. Now you introduce a new character in book two. Can you tell us a little bit about Tater?


Jean -So in book two, which is the Kansas Adventure Book, this is Tater Tot. And Tater Tot is, of course, inspired by my second grandchild who is Tater Tot. And so we made him into a little bird and he is Renny Roo's little sidekick. And together they go on adventures. And so that's how we kind of developed Tater Tot.



Valerie -Too cute.


Jean -And I don't know why I picked a parakeet. I just, I did. I just thought it was cute. So I ran with it.


Valerie -I'm sure it matched the personality of your grandkids too a little bit. And it's a really fun interaction. And you also introduce a lot of other elements about building friendships and manners into your books. Why did you want those things to be a part of this series?


Jean -I, how can I explain it? So again, when I was a kid and was in a situation where everyone that I was surrounded by spoke a different language and wasn't able to communicate and explain these things, I wanted to make sure that little kids had a book that would do those things or help show them how to do those things. And so I wanted my books to really focus on imagination. I wanted to show the kids how to make friends and how to be polite. Because I think, especially, we get so lapped up in everything else that's going on that we forget what it's like to be a kid. And I remember what it was like to be a kid. I remember how hard it was to try and explain to people what I wanted or you know what I was feeling or whatever else. And so I want these books to be a little spark of sunshine for kids that maybe wouldn't have those or don't have a way to express themselves or maybe are floundering.

jean Johnson Quote

I'm hoping and praying that these books are books that a little kid's mind can get a hold of and be like, Oh, I get to go on an adventure with Rennie Roo and Tater Tot. And so that's kind of where that all came from.


Valerie -Very fun. I love that heart and desire for kids to feel heard and seen. And I think Rinny is so engaging and so childlike that it's really easy for kids to read through and be like, okay, let's go on an adventure. So fun. Okay. So we have Dinosaur Valley and then Kansas and Arkansas and the Yucatan. I can guess from our earlier conversation, that the Yucatan is because of your experience growing up there. Why Kansas and Arkansas?


Jean -Yes. So Arkansas was, so I needed four books to start the series with. And so I just went with what I knew. So I'm originally from Texas and my husband's from Arkansas. We currently live in Kansas and of course, I was raised in the Yucatan.


Valerie - So it's not only going to be educational for everyone else, but it's also very personal to you. So that makes it lots of fun. Now, are you planning any more books in this series?


Jean -Yes, as a matter of fact, I've got a couple more that will be coming out this year. I'm actually working on them right now. The first one will be the Zona Maya, which of course will then really focus on where I was raised, even though the Yucatan is the general area, the specific area is the Zona Maya. And so then from there, I'll be doing Tennessee, Alabama, and so those will be coming out this year.


Valerie -So fun is the goal to do all 50 states. Oh my goodness, that is a big goal.


Jean -Yes, that is the goal. Yes, it is. It is. You know, I, when, when this all started, I just kind of gave it to God from the beginning. I just was praying about it and just said, you know, Lord, I know that this is an idea from you, because this is not something that I would think up on my own. And so I just was like, give it to you and you just show me what doors I need to walk through. You just show me what I need to allow in and what I need to not allow in. And so when it came up that it was gonna be about the States, I was like, okay, all right, Lord, make it happen. And so I'm just along for the ride, I'm just along for the ride, letting him kind of organize my steps. But yeah, I'm just doing it. According to wherever I feel a nudge then I'm gonna go that way. So yeah


Valerie -That's wonderful. I love how God is directing your steps and you're like, all right, take the wheel, just do the things. You know, it's in my writing journey. It's been about, okay, I'm being obedient, Lord, you're in charge of everything else. And so just being obedient to the gifts given. Now, Jean, did you always want to be a writer?


Jean - No. So, funny thing, I have a really hard time writing anything. So that's how I know that these are truly inspired by something other than me because I am not a writer at all. I do have to have an editor, because I am a horrible speller, and this is just not something that I ever imagine myself doing. And, uh, and so when, when it kind of come up that this is the direction that I was going to go in my later years, because I'm not any spring chicken anymore, that I kind of was like, all right, Lord, just make it happen. Because I am not, uh, you know, I don't have like a degree in English or anything like that to be able to articulate it. So in the books and everything. It really is, it is really God inspired because it's just not something that I would have ever seen myself doing, just ever. It's just not something I would see myself doing.


Valerie -I love how God has directed your steps and pushed, kind of made you take this leap of faith in a sense of just, you know, like, okay, God, you've put this in my heart. Let's see what you're going to do with it. So I love that you're being obedient to that. And these are, your books are more for the general market than for the Christian market. But there seems to be just this sweetness to it. I don't know, but overall just a welcoming, loving atmosphere that is created between Rennie Roo and Tater. And so even though it doesn't have a spiritual aspect, there is definitely a welcoming and a love that is kind of part of that Christian lifestyle that is in there.


Rynnie Roo's Adventures Cover

Jean -Oh. And that was the, I guess one of the hardest decisions with releasing the book was, you know, do I do it as a faith-based book? Do I do it as a general book? How do I want to go about this? So again, I just brought it to God and began praying about it. And I felt an overwhelming peace, where he was just like this, these books are for everyone. We want everyone to be able to experience the lightness and the joy and the happiness and the learning and the learning that's done through the books. And so that kind of made the decision. I was like, all right, Lord, if this is what you've directed, then that's the way we're going to do it. And so I just kind of went with it. And it's been a really good experience because I do want these books to be able to go out to a mass market of people. After all, I want to get these books in the hands of children so that they can experience the happiness joy, and lightness that's in these books. There's nothing heavy. It's all educational but done in a fun way, teaching them new words. They are big words but I do have pronunciations in them so that they can learn these words. But that was just a huge thing that I wanted. I wanted these books to be able to be available to anybody who wanted them and not just a specific group of people.


Valerie -I love that your missionary heart is still working inside of you as you want these books to continue to grow and to serve people. Again, I just love the childlike nature of these books. They are so welcoming and joyful and make, I don't know, if I was a kid, I would be like, where's the next book? Where's the next book? So it's super fun. Now, what is your favorite book?


Jean - So my favorite book is gonna be, I read a book, and this has been a long time ago, like when it first came out. So I know that they've done different renditions of it, but when this

Power of a Praying Wife Cover

book first came out, I believe it was in the 90s. It was The Power of a Praying Wife. And that book transformed my relationship, transformed me, transformed. I guess just growing up and becoming an adult and becoming an adult who was going to take her family seriously and do what was needed for my family, that is the book I would say that transformed my life and got it going in an opposite direction I think had it not been for that book. Now if it's something that I'm just reading, it's going to be Sherlock Holmes.

Valerie -Very neat. Now is it specifically Arthur Conan Doyle's Sherlock Holmes or some of the fan fiction that started to come out?

Sherlock Holmes Cover


Jean -Yes. No, no, just that just the original and I like them in the hardcovers and I like them the old books, I will go looking specifically into antique malls and stuff trying to find the old, old books, because I like the way I know it sounds crazy, but like the way they smell like holding on like sitting by the window and reading I just that is my go-to most favorite thing to do is to have a good book and a blanket and my tea and just read.


Valerie -It's so fun. Yeah, my mother-in-law likes to bring me old books that she's found in her collection. And I have an old Arthur Conan Doyle book and Oliver Twist and all that kind of thing. And it's been fun to introduce those to my boys and for them to be like, this was hard, mom, to read. I'm like, it's hard to read, but it's so good. And so it's been fun to explore those books again.


Jean -I recently found a Pollyanna book from the 1920s. Yes, and so I've got that one sitting on my next to read.


BBC Sherlock

Valerie -Oh my. Now are you a fan of Benedict Cumberbatch's Sherlock Holmes show? There's been so many versions.


Jean -Yes, yes, I sure am. I thought that the BBC did a good job!


Valerie -They did, it was amazing, and I enjoyed it.


Jean -Yeah, yeah, I did. Of all of the different ones that I've seen, they did a great job. They did a great job. Great. Even as far as following along with the original books and stuff. I thought they did a great job. Yeah, it's one of my favorite series. I enjoy it.


Valerie -Lots of fun. Now what can people expect next from you, Jean? We talked a little bit about this, but...


Jean -So I am gonna continue with the Rennie Roo series and just on her adventures. Like I said, we're gonna do, of course, the 50 states. The next book coming out is gonna be The Zone of Maya, and it should be coming out, hopefully, by the end of January. We'll kind of see. I have my fingers crossed on that one. But then after that, I'm not sure if I'm gonna release Tennessee or Alabama first, but anyway, as for right now, those are the ones that I've got in the works and working on them. They have to go to editing. And then, of course, I do have all of my books translated into Spanish. And so all of my books are in English, but they are all available in Spanish.


Valerie -That's amazing to have the books be bilingual because there is such an increase of Spanish speakers in our country and just to make it available, again, make it fun and engaging and give kids that welcoming invitation to learn and explore and imagine. So I love that you've done that. Where can people find out more about you, Jean?


Jean -They can go to my website, which is They can also find my books, all of my books, and Rynnie Roo's Adventures on Amazon, including coloring books. Or they can reach out to me. I am on Instagram and Facebook under Rynnie Rue's Adventures.


Valerie -So fun. We'll make sure all those links are in the show notes so people can find out more about you and find out more about Rynnie Rue in Tater 2. So fun. Well, thank you so much for being with us today, Jean.


Jean -Thank you so much Valerie for having me. I appreciate it so much It's been a blast getting to talk to you and getting to reach out to your audience. Just want to give a warm Thank you to everyone. Thank you so much.


Valerie -It is our pleasure for sure. And thank you for joining Jean and me on this episode of the Bookworthy Podcast. Check the show notes for any books or links that we discussed and let us know in the comments if you've ever petted a kangaroo or had an exotic pet. Be sure to like and subscribe so we can discover more great books together.

Happy reading.

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