An Elephant on My Chest by Caris Snider

Child anxiety is a topic close to my heart, so I'm so excited to talk about another great resource to teach our kids how to recognize and communicate what they are feeling inside.
Caris Snider has been the voice behind several anxiety resources in her first book Anxiety Elephants Devotional and Anxiety Elephants Devotional for Tweens.
An Elephant on My Chest is a children's picture book for ages 4-8 that continues Caris' effort to give us, young and old, to recognize anxiety and to reclaim our emotions from anxious thoughts. While this book is a step away from Caris' other books with a God-center approach to anxiety, the truths and tips throughout are still valuable no matter your faith.
The humorous illustrations keep kids turning the page while giving key steps and ways to name and work through the anxiety of our kids' days. It's a great book for those kiddos that struggle with anxiety, as well as a proactive approach for those kids who don't.
Be sure to join Caris Snider and me on Thursday, July 20th at 1 PM CST on Instagram LIVE. As we talk about this book and her writing journey.

Caris and her family reside in the great state of Alabama. If you know what “Roll Tide” means, it is yelled proudly through the hallways of her home. She graduated from the University of Alabama with a Child Development degree. She has been married to her husband, Brandon, since April 2004.
She has been traveling the country as a speaker virtually and face-to-face for almost ten years. Encouraging groups of all ages and sizes to grow in their faith and mental health.
God guided Caris down the path of being an author back in 2018 with a small 10-day devotional. She had no idea what He was up to and even argued that it was the wrong road for her…she was reminded very quickly that the Lord never makes a mistake. Since that year, she has published 5 books with 1 coming in 2024.
Caris has a podcast in her car for moms since her life is lived in the car line of school, activities, and hanging out with friends. I thought other moms might feel the same stress I was and would need encouragement in their everyday struggles. Car Line Conversations has been an unexpected joy for her each week.