There was an ideal that somehow lodged itself in my head when my husband and I started a family. The Bible has been a big part of my life and story. As kids entered in, I wanted to foster a love of studying the Bible to them too.
The idea was that we would sit down and study the Bible together all together. Images of Norman Rockwall paintings floated in my head. We lovingly call our kids two tornados and a hurricane, so you can imagine how this idea played out in our home.
Boys are just busy, add in some ADHD/ADD, and many things have to be reimagined.
So, I had to take the ideal and try to work with my kids, and not try to force them into how I enjoy studying God’s word.
I had to think short and sweet. Strong biblical truths that build on what our family stands for and what they are learning at church. I also had to think of time my kids were captivated and unable to escape me.
When are my kid at their stillest?
When they are eating!
That’s not to say that our dinner table looks anything like a Norman Rockwall Painting. The dinner table is its own battle ground, and probably the reason I will need high blood pressure meds at some point. But all in all, dinner time we are all together and stuck with each other for at least fifteen minutes.
Now we had a time of day that my kids would mostly be sitting still, then we had to decided on what to read.
We’ve gone through several different devotionals that are short and sweet. And sometimes so pack with biblical truth that I’m blown away. When the kids are reminding me that it’s devotional time usually means we’re found a good one.
The top devotionals at our table of the years have been:

Thoughts to make you heart Sing-Sandy Lloyd Jones
This is such a precious collection of devotionals and analogies that point to our need for Christ and his amazing love. My kids go back to this one a lot, and have their favorites that they call out by name.

Indescribable- Louie Giglio
This is a collection of devotionals based on several of Louie Giglio’s popular sermon series. This devotional does an amazing job of taking things such as sharks, volcanos, gems, language and showing Gods perfect design. My boys ate this up. It allowed them to see God in the science they are learning at school, and open the doors to great conversations when we were out and about.

I AM- The names of God- Diane Stortz
This book is more of a story style of reading rather than a devotional. But the beautiful illustrations and focus on the names of God were a great introduction to the characteristics of God.
I just saw when I was looking for this book’s cover photo that there is a 100 day devotional associated with this too. I’ll check that out and get back to you 😊

How Great is our God- Louie Giglio
Similar to the above devotional of Indescribable, it is based on sermons by Louie Giglio. It does a great job of expression truth and the wonder of God. As well as showing how science and the Bible are not in conflict with one another. Science at the dinner table always leads to laughs and strange questions, which is the type of place I want our table to be.

Our 24 Family Ways- Clay Clarkson
This is a unique devotional that walks through twenty- four family values and how to apply them in our home. It is full of turn and biblical examples of how to be imitators of Christ. (Ephesians 5:1) At times it seems to cater toward an older audience rather than a younger and distractible crowd (AKA those at my dinner table). But the questions and prayers within are thought provoking and great guides for how we are to act as a God-loving family.
The dinner table has always been a pillar of strong families, and I am so thankful to use that time to pour into my kids hearts even if they won’t eat my food.
How do you pour truth and values into your kids?